Adult learner

Adult learner (North America) or mature learner (UK) (sometimes also called adult student, returning Adult, adult returner, and student) is a term used to describe any person socially accepted as an adult who is in a learning process, whether it is formal education, informal learning, or corporate-sponsored learning.

Adult learners are considered distinct from child learners due primarily to the work of Malcolm Knowles, who developed the principle of Andragogy.



In the US, adult learners fall into the category of nontraditional students, whom the National Center for Education Statistics defines as meeting at least one of the following seven criteria:

In the UK, a student is normally classified as a mature student if he or she is an (undergraduate) student who is at least 25+ years old at the start of his or her course, or in the Irish case on the first of January of the year of entry, and usually having been away from school for at least two years. The normal entry requirements for school-leavers wishing to start an undergraduate degree are often not applied to mature students.

Adult learners in higher education

Adult learners seem to be overtaking traditional students in the higher education arena. The NCES noted in a 2002 study that nearly three quarters of American undergraduate students met one of the above characteristics for classification as a nontraditional student; of those, 46% were so defined because of delayed enrollment.[1] In 2008, 36 percent of postsecondary students were age 25 or older and 47 percent were independent students.[2]

More than half of nontraditional students enroll in two-year institutions, and the more nontraditional they get (i.e. the more characteristics of the above list they display), the more likely they are to consider themselves working adults first and students second. According to, which cites research by educational journal Recruitment & Retention in Higher Education, the average adult learner is a 35-year-old, married, middle-class Caucasian mother.

Special characteristics of adult learners

Adult learners are diverse in regards to the following variables:

Opposed to a child, adult learners typically have more life experience. When confronted with new knowledge or an experience, adult learners construe new meaning based on their life experience[3].

Adult learner expectations

Adults learn best when the following requirements are met:

Further reading


  1. ^ Special Analysis 2002 - Nontraditional Undergraduates
  2. ^ "Yesterday's Nontraditional Student is Today's Traditional Student". Center for Law and Social Policy. Retrieved 2010-08-09. 
  3. ^ Merriam, S. B., & Caffarella, R. S., & Baumgartner, L. M. (2007). Learning in adulthood (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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